jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

My friends =)

My best friend is named Dominique, but I called her Domi. She has very good mood, always makes me laugh, even when I'm not happy. She is like an artist because she likes draw and paint and she studied architecture. I consider Domi is a very intelligent person, never had to study hard and always has good results. Domi is a concerned friend like a loving mother. We have a great time when we go to parties or on vacation with other friends.

I knew Domi at school, we were in the same school since we were in second grade, but we were just classmates in sixth grade. We met in sixth grade but we were not friends, I shared with other colleagues who are still my friends. I even remember that sometimes we got very bad relation and even we fought, but over time we matured and now we have a beautiful friendship. That's how we are good friends so far.

The characteristic that I value most is a friend to accompany you always, even in bad times. I think it's fun to be with people for entertainment, but it is important when they support you even if you're sad or troubled. I also think is important that we share a larger group of friends, and I am lucky to have him because we still maintain a group with my other friends at school, is difficult to stop seeing each other after so many years together and many shared experiences. I hope my friends consider that I also have these characteristics because friendship is always constructed between two or more persons.

I'm still in touch with my childhood friends, many of them are of the same school where I studied. But I am also talking with other friends, for example, the neighborhood where I lived for some years. I also have some friends from my first school on msn, but we never got together.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Analyzing the secrets in families

A very interesting topic for psychologists are family problems, its causes, content and solutions. In this occasion I will speak about a report of Oliver James that discusses the motives of the secrets of parents and children in the family.

Some studies claim that in general people have secrets for altruistic reasons, to care for others. Many couples hide their infidelity to maintain the relationship, this does not mean that's good, but at least it is thinking about the other. When somebody are hiding something they generally feel bad about it, and statistics show that one in four relationships were found lying.

For adolescents, the reasons to keep secrets are usually because they want to feel independent, teenagers do not want to be under the supervision of their parents. But paradoxically when teenagers kept secret and hidden things, parents are more motivated to investigate and uncover its secrets (review computers, rooms), which eventually leads to teenagers have to hide their things even more, and so there are more secrets in the family.

There have been studies that found that parents believe their children are more hidden secrets that really make, and this perception is closely related to whether parents have been good or bad. All this eventually generates a vicious circle.

To read this study may enter to:


jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

My pet

I have a lovely dog, her name is Flower and she is very affectionate, even with strangers and has many other friends of his race in the neighborhood, all children also like to play with it. Flor came to my house for my birthday, was a surprise gift. She is very sweet and looks like the puppies of TV commercials, it's funny like a little clown and very playful like babies, also she likes to have all the attention of people. The only pet that I had previously was a canary but soon escaped from his cage, I think it is better because now is free, also was not very entertaining.

I think my life would be very different without my pet because she is with me every day and she turn up my mood when I'm worried. I not think it necessary to have a pet, but I have to admit that every day is better if you have one.

I think it's important for children to care for their pets, because they can learn to be responsable, and learn that having a pet can be very entertaining but also they must take good care of it. It is also necessary that pets also feel happy at home.

I personally would consider adopting an abandoned animal, but not now because right now I have to take very good care of Flor, and I want to be a good owner.

I'm so sad about the puppies that were abandoned in Chaiten, but a friend who will be veterinarian told me that in his university had a plan to help them so I think that will be in good hands.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

What to do and where to go in Santiago

I think that a tourist can visit many places in Santiago, and although it is not the most entertaining city in the country, Santiago is the capital and you can do many different activities. For example, a tourist (depending on age) may visit the Cerro Santa Lucia, the zoo, the Bellavista neighborhood and many other parts.

In Santiago, a tourist could do many things like go to get some ice cream, make a camping, going to museums, go skiing in the snow or just take a walk and a coffee.

If I had to recommend to a tourist five places to visit I would say:
1) Spend a weekend in the snow. he could take one of the buses that leave daily, and let the ski equipment in the sky park. I recommend this place because there is everything to have a good weekend.

2) I'd also recommend having a picnic in the "Nature Sanctuary", for that would have to leave early in the morning and to take food for lunch, also I recommend to take warm clothes for the evening. I like this place because it is quiet and relaxing.

3) In addition I would recommend visiting the Museo de La Moneda as there are always interesting exhibitions and he can know more of the culture. It would be good to go in the afternoon after lunch.

4) If the tourist liked to visit the snow I would recommend to go ice skating at the Parque Arauco track, it just needs to arrive early and have enough energy, right there is a place for lunch if you get hungry. It can be a fun time but he must be careful of falling.

5) Finally I would recommend going for a drink at a pub in Bellavista to know the city at night, there he can meet some friends. This place is good because he can choose various places.