My best friend is named Dominique, but I called her Domi. She has very good mood, always makes me laugh, even when I'm not happy. She is like an artist because she likes draw and paint and she studied architecture. I consider Domi is a very intelligent person, never had to study hard and always has good results. Domi is a concerned friend like a loving mother. We have a great time when we go to parties or on vacation with other friends.
I knew Domi at school, we were in the same school since we were in second grade, but we were just classmates in sixth grade. We met in sixth grade but we were not friends, I shared with other colleagues who are still my friends. I even remember that sometimes we got very bad relation and even we fought, but over time we matured and now we have a beautiful friendship. That's how we are good friends so far.
The characteristic that I value most is a friend to accompany you always, even in bad times. I think it's fun to be with people for entertainment, but it is important when they support you even if you're sad or troubled. I also think is important that we share a larger group of friends, and I am lucky to have him because we still maintain a group with my other friends at school, is difficult to stop seeing each other after so many years together and many shared experiences. I hope my friends consider that I also have these characteristics because friendship is always constructed between two or more persons.
I'm still in touch with my childhood friends, many of them are of the same school where I studied. But I am also talking with other friends, for example, the neighborhood where I lived for some years. I also have some friends from my first school on msn, but we never got together.