jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

A problem in my University

Currently at my university there is a problem of low participation, but they are activities that involved and motivated only a small group of people. This was reflected this year in which there were no demonstrations as long as in previous years in that university classes stopped by problems and complaints of students.

I think it is very important to motivate all students to participate in various activities organized by the faculty and student center, but I think this task is complicated because many people not really believe that they can make further changes and improvements, so they choose not to participate.

To improve this situation I think that first we should organize a panel discussion in a modern and effective way (for example via internet, facebook or forums). The idea is that people write in the webs and say what are the real reasons that lead to not participate, since only by knowing this we can start looking for effective solutions.

After obtaining this information would have to start planning for new forms of participation that finish with the causes that led to non-participation. Thus most people would agree to participate and be motivated. I always keep in mind is that you should propose small goals to start, so people see that they can achieve, and then set goals and major changes.

The greatest benefit of these improvements is to increase the number of people who participate in the decisions of the students in their careers, duties, benefits and entitlements, ensuring greater participation that can then be enhanced by the participation of staff and administration. Not forgetting that you must always start with small goals and then be magnified.

1 comentario:

  1. i think that the problem about the participation exist in all faculty of the university =(

    Take care... see you!
