sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

A different way of education

In this video, Sir Ken Robinson talks about the extraordinary capacity of human creativity, that is very different in each person. But the problem starts when the education supress creativity, because since the Industrial Revolution, the education had one function; to educate people for work and in this way to increase production, so the important subjetcs where mathematics and language, and the other subjects like art or music, had no relevance.

I think that the concept of intelligence is wrong, because to judge if someone is intelligent or not, we usually measure only the skills associated with work and money, and worse, with tests that do not consider the context where people lives, that influence them in every way. For example, in the case of Chile, with the test SIMCE, that shows biased results.

I suppose and I hope that when the money stop being the central aim in our society, we will all begin to appreciate the different ways of human creativity, and we will have a rich culture, where every profession could be valued. This way, each person could advantage their skills to the maximum, without a supressing education.

1 comentario:

  1. Suggestions
    "education surpresses.."
    "people live.."
    "the money stops..."

