jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

I think that my experience with the blog has been entertaining sometimes and sometimes not so much, so I enjoyed it when we wrote, for example, about the future, the technological apparatus that we like, or about one picture of our lives, but I do not enjoy a lot when we talk about subjects in psychology, because I think all day here in the University about my subjects and the things that I like of them, the tasks that I have outstanding, or the courses that I should take the next semester, so I prefer to write about another topics to think about other things and divert, forgetting for a while my own career.

Something that I recognize is that the work in the blog helped me with improve my english, because I was not accustomed to write in English every week, so with my blogging experience I was able to practice vocabulary, the times (past, present, future) and the way of express my thoughts in another language and that my ideas are understandable and well written.

I think that some advantages of my blogging experience are:
1) constantly practice writing in English
2) to be in contact with course companions and learn from what they write

And some disadvantages are:
1) talk much about the own career (almost all the times)
2) there are days when I'm not inspired
3) stay up so late in the university, although in reality this is not a problem of the blog, this is a problema with the schedule of the course.

I think that my blogging experience in general has been good, and that this type of methodology are good to learn better and faster how to write in english.

Personally I prefer to work on the blog instead to stay another time in class, mainly because both blocks are followed and Thursdays in the afternoon and I am a bit tired.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

A different way of education

In this video, Sir Ken Robinson talks about the extraordinary capacity of human creativity, that is very different in each person. But the problem starts when the education supress creativity, because since the Industrial Revolution, the education had one function; to educate people for work and in this way to increase production, so the important subjetcs where mathematics and language, and the other subjects like art or music, had no relevance.

I think that the concept of intelligence is wrong, because to judge if someone is intelligent or not, we usually measure only the skills associated with work and money, and worse, with tests that do not consider the context where people lives, that influence them in every way. For example, in the case of Chile, with the test SIMCE, that shows biased results.

I suppose and I hope that when the money stop being the central aim in our society, we will all begin to appreciate the different ways of human creativity, and we will have a rich culture, where every profession could be valued. This way, each person could advantage their skills to the maximum, without a supressing education.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Clinical psychology

I think that my favorite subject in this moment is clinical psychology. The professor in charge of this course is Gabriela Sepulveda, a infant-teenage psychologist, and she organized a team of four teachers that also make clases. The reason of why i like this class is the same reason of why it has a team of teachers: each teacher teaches us about a different approach. I like this metodology because in this way i can know a little about every approach, so i can have information to choose the next elective courses, because starting next semester each one choose the classes that will take.

Using this methodology, this semester I've learned about psychoanalysis, humanistic therapy, systemic approach, evolutionary approach and cognitive psychology. Now I could say that I liked most the humanistic approach, because one of the things that called my attention is psychodrama and group therapy, techniques wich I spoke earlier on another blog.

I want to continue learning about this, because in the future I want to work helping people with his personals problems, and I want to offer innovative alternatives for being and feeling good.