I am studing psychology and I am in third year. I chose study this career because I want to help other people, and I want to complement this work with alternative medicine, like flower terapy, yoga or reiki. I think that this ambit of my career is related with clinical psychology, but a psychologist can work in differents areas and do differents types of contributes to society. For example, a organizational psychologist can work in the companies and help to improve relations, a educational psychologist can help with his knowledge to differents persons in the schools (students, teachers or parents). Moreover, a community psychologist can help to the comunities to organize for solve his problems and maximize their capacities, and a juridic psychologist can work helping victims and perpetrators of crime.
I think that my favorite subject is clinical psychology, because in the future I want to work helping people with his personals problems, and I want to offer differents alternatives for being and feeling good. I think that the tools that I will need to have in the future are some tests, but the principal tool that I need to be a good psychologist is my knowledge of human being. Anyway, maybe my interests may change throughout my career, because every year I learn differents and interesting things.
I think that every type of psychology is very useful in this complicated times.
한국의 자랑 kf94가 자랑스럽습니다. 만세
Hace 3 años
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