jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Traveling in my mind over five years

In 5 years from now, I want to be entitled as a psychologist, because just left me two years and a half and I hope it goes well. I want to be living near Santiago, for example in Pirque or Cajon del Maipo, for stay a little out of town and be closer to nature. I want to be living with my boyfriend, a friend, or maybe with myself (I have to wait to see what is happening in 5 years more).

Professionally, I want to be working near to my home, or in a small department behind my house, but I dont want to have only one work, depending the specialty that I follow, I could have more than a job. For example, some days I may be working in my home, or in a center of alternative therapies near to my home, and some days go to Santiago and work in a municipality or public hospital, until now, that´s the option I like more.

Personally, I want to live surrounded by people, inviting family and friends to my home all weekends, doing parties or barbecues and spend the time relaxing and doing fun things with them. During the week, I´d like to do other activities besides my job, for example take a course of art...obviously this is an ideal future...But continued dreaming, I want to live a few years in this way, then I want to have a travel time to visit other places in the world, and to continue my studies outside of Chile, and return to start thinking about having children, if my boyfriend wants to, because I love babies =)

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Jacob Moreno

I think that a person who contributed a lot of knowledge and skills, in original way, was Jacob Moreno. He was born in Romania in 1889, he studied at the University of Vienna, and he was psychiatrist and psychologist.

Moreno was the founder of psychodrama and one of the inventors of group psychotherapy. Psychodrama is a psychotherapy that is based in the theater of improvisation, it can be performed by one, in pairs or groups. Its aim is achieve a strong contact with the own emotions, feelings, thoughts and fantasies, that not always can be achieved only through the conversation. When a person understands it, will be able to understand some situations in real life and may be better prepared to act on future. For example, if a couple has problems, they perform different events that have occurred.

Moreno contributed a lot in group therapy, in this technique the interactions between group members and the therapist becomes the material wich the therapy is conduced. Along with past experiences and experiences outside the therapeutic group, the problems arise from patients, and may be treated together; generating lessons that can be “translated” to real life.

I like the contributions and the work done for Moreno, because he helped in the creation of new techniques that had never before been applied to psychology. I think this makes him "the best" because it helped psychologists of different approaches (especially humanistic approach) to obtain new tools to address a more profound and innovative people's problems, not to stay in the typical image of the couch and the conversation.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My career

I am studing psychology and I am in third year. I chose study this career because I want to help other people, and I want to complement this work with alternative medicine, like flower terapy, yoga or reiki. I think that this ambit of my career is related with clinical psychology, but a psychologist can work in differents areas and do differents types of contributes to society. For example, a organizational psychologist can work in the companies and help to improve relations, a educational psychologist can help with his knowledge to differents persons in the schools (students, teachers or parents). Moreover, a community psychologist can help to the comunities to organize for solve his problems and maximize their capacities, and a juridic psychologist can work helping victims and perpetrators of crime.

I think that my favorite subject is clinical psychology, because in the future I want to work helping people with his personals problems, and I want to offer differents alternatives for being and feeling good. I think that the tools that I will need to have in the future are some tests, but the principal tool that I need to be a good psychologist is my knowledge of human being. Anyway, maybe my interests may change throughout my career, because every year I learn differents and interesting things.

I think that every type of psychology is very useful in this complicated times.