jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year

This year the University was different from the previous two because the first semester we had a bunch of each of the five specialty of psychology and then, the second semester, we had optional subjects. In this semester each one chose the classes that want to take, the year was special because now every one begin to choose the specialty that we want to continue, and then we will delve into the diploma course. One consequence of this new method was that the course was divided into different subjects and we mix with the students of fourth year. Something new was that I was not with my friends in all subjects, except one, and now I'm seeing my friends less.

The first semester was a lot of work months for each of the specialties (clinical, legal, educational, community and labor). It demanded us many test and work, and that meant many hours of study. Several of these studies we performed in group, that sometimes was more complicated for the short time we had. I think the effort finally paid off and I had good results in all areas. Also I got to know more about the specialties of psychology and now I have clearer what specialty I want to study.

The second half was more relaxed than the first one because I decided to take four theoretical subjects and also take english and yoga (because it is an olbigation to make two subjects of sport in my career). The classes I chose were: Use of Hallucinogens in Psychology, Clinical Psychology Infant - Juvenile, Recruitment and The Therapist: Known from the Emotions. The topics are varied because I have to make at least one subject of each specialty (although I do not like). I think this semester was quieter, I had less academic requirements and more free time, but this didn´t mean to set me carefree. I fulfilled all requirements with the advantage that I had more time to devote to each subject.

Now at the end of the year I can say I had two good semesters. I think this was the year I learned more knowledge about my future profession and I like that, because the first two years were more introductory. I like to choose the classes that I will take, but it also means responsibility, I hope take good decisions. Also this year I finished my english classes and sports and that means that next year I will have 100% theoretical subjects, so I think I will need to rest during the holidays and prepare for a demanding year.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

A problem in my University

Currently at my university there is a problem of low participation, but they are activities that involved and motivated only a small group of people. This was reflected this year in which there were no demonstrations as long as in previous years in that university classes stopped by problems and complaints of students.

I think it is very important to motivate all students to participate in various activities organized by the faculty and student center, but I think this task is complicated because many people not really believe that they can make further changes and improvements, so they choose not to participate.

To improve this situation I think that first we should organize a panel discussion in a modern and effective way (for example via internet, facebook or forums). The idea is that people write in the webs and say what are the real reasons that lead to not participate, since only by knowing this we can start looking for effective solutions.

After obtaining this information would have to start planning for new forms of participation that finish with the causes that led to non-participation. Thus most people would agree to participate and be motivated. I always keep in mind is that you should propose small goals to start, so people see that they can achieve, and then set goals and major changes.

The greatest benefit of these improvements is to increase the number of people who participate in the decisions of the students in their careers, duties, benefits and entitlements, ensuring greater participation that can then be enhanced by the participation of staff and administration. Not forgetting that you must always start with small goals and then be magnified.