jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

In the observatory called "Tololo"

This picture was taken by a friend from my school, when we traveled to La Serena the last year of school (2006). In this occasion, we traveled to differents places near to La Serena, one of them was the observatory called “Tololo”. After to stay into this interesting place, we went out of the observatory and we took many photos; one of them was for all of us, and after to one man took this picture, my friends took one of “only boys”, so the girls also wanted one of “only girls”, and this is the photo that I chose for show in my blog.

This photo shows the view from the parking of the observatory, I think that is very nice because you can see part of “Valle del Elqui”. I like so much this photo because there are my best friends of the school, and this photo remember me all of the travels with my friends. Objectively, I think that the photo of “the girls” is more beautiful than the photo of “the boys” =).

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Electronic journal Epistemology of Social Sciences at the University of Chile

If you study psychology, I recommend you to visit this website:


Everytime when you must do investigations, you can visit this web and search articles about the topic that you must study. You only must click in "search author/title" and write what you are searching for, and there many investigations appear. I like this site because they have an advantage: this web belongs to Universidad de Chile, specifically to Social Sciences, the faculty where I study. So for doing works for the U, the teachers are going to be very happy if you include articles of the same University, and your work will have good sources.

I found the site because the teacher of qualitative methodology gave to my course a list of trustful sites for searching information to do the investigations in this course last year. I must confess that I visit this site only when I have to do works for the U (on vacation I never remember that they exist), but between March and December I visit it many times.

Good luck !

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

My radio and my

When I wake up in the morning, I turn on my stereo and the day start OK, because I listen happy music and I can wake up relax. Then, I go upstairs to the bathroom, and when I go back to my room, I listen music and preprare the things to go to the university.

This story start when my father gives me my stereo the last Christmas. In this moment, I was really very happy.. the stereo is black, very modern and nice. I must confess that I am a little wonderer, so I use the remote control, in this way I can change the radio from my bed or other part of my room. The stereo have many functions: radio, cd, and I can conect it to a pendrive, computer or television. I really use all of his functions in differents moments of the day. For example, when I have time to see movies, I conect the stereo at my television and the sound is very cool.

So you can see that I used my stereo every day. When I go to my home, after the university, I go to my room and turn on my stereo again, and in the nigth, I used the "sleep function" and I go to sleep listen music. I really like my stereo because every is best and more funny.. I think that my life without it, will be very boring.