This picture was taken by a friend from my school, when we traveled to La Serena the last year of school (2006). In this occasion, we traveled to differents places near to La Serena, one of them was the observatory called “Tololo”. After to stay into this interesting place, we went out of the observatory and we took many photos; one of them was for all of us, and after to one man took this picture, my friends took one of “only boys”, so the girls also wanted one of “only girls”, and this is the photo that I chose for show in my blog.
This photo shows the view from the parking of the observatory, I think that is very nice because you can see part of “Valle del Elqui”. I like so much this photo because there are my best friends of the school, and this photo remember me all of the travels with my friends. Objectively, I think that the photo of “the girls” is more beautiful than the photo of “the boys” =).